How to Stay Fit During the Holiday
‘Tis the season for holiday parties, family gatherings, and an abundance of gut-busting foods that can easily derail your healthy lifestyle. We get it: staying fit this time of year can be a challenge, not only due to an influx of high-calorie indulgences, but also thanks to busier schedules that can make it difficult for even the most disciplined fitness fanatic to stick to an established exercise routine. There are ways, however, to avoid a holiday fitness slump while still being able to enjoy your favorite seasonal treats occasionally. With moderation, Houston fitness classes, and Houston personal training, you can stay fit this holiday and start the new year off looking and feeling great!
Our Houston Personal Trainer’s Tips for Staying Fit This Holiday
Consider the following suggestions for staying active and keeping off extra seasonal pounds in the midst of pie and eggnog.
Tip 1: Indulge in Moderation
With a cookie tray around every corner, this is not the time of year to completely restrict yourself or you could end up sabotaging your best efforts with a calorie binge. Instead, stick to a healthy diet of nutrient rich foods like lean protein, whole grains, and lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. If you fill up on good food, you won’t have room left for much else. That way, when the cookie tray gets passed around, you won’t feel so guilty enjoying one. If you feel you and your team could benefit from nutrition classes, we can include them in our Houston corporate wellness program.
Tip 2: Keep Moving
We all know exercise–like the kind offered through our Houston corporate wellness program—can do wonders for our physique and overall health. Even beyond our Houston personal training and Houston fitness classes, though, are simple tricks for getting in a few more steps. Consider parking in the furthest spot you can find when you’re out doing some holiday shopping and taking the stairs instead of the elevator. Or perhaps you can enjoy some seasonal activities like ice skating or signing up to run in one of the many charity 5K races around town.
Tip 3: Get Out and Go
Few things are more damaging to our fitness than a sedentary lifestyle. As colder weather kicks in, it may seem tempting to curl up on the couch and zone out to Christmas movies, but this can quickly become a routine that’s hard to break. Remember: the holidays are about spending time with family and friends, so get out and enjoy all the season has to offer. Our Houston personal training coach suggests you take a walk around your neighborhood to check out holiday lights, shop for gifts in a mall or market, or attend a friend’s dinner party. Whatever the purpose, the act of being with others and off the couch will help keep you fit this holiday and help you experience your best life.
Stay Fit With Our Houston Corporate Wellness Program
As the holiday season kicks into full gear, office parties and catered lunches are especially common with more time spent in celebration, leaving less time for exercise. With a Houston corporate wellness program, however, you can easily incorporate healthy choices into your office revelry. With our Houston personal training and Houston fitness classes, we can help your entire organization stay on top of their fitness goals without sacrificing the fun this season has to offer. Give us a call to see how we can help you stay fit this holiday season and beyond. Experience your best life with Operation Get Fit today!