The Importance of Mental Health in the Workplace
The past decade has seen a massive decline in worker satisfaction and an increase in employee burnout across nearly every industry, which suggests mental health needs to become a priority for today’s employers. While every company should have a protocol for responding to and supporting employee mental health issues, businesses should also do their part in creating a culture that prevents such issues from occurring in the first place. One such way is through a Houston corporate wellness program like those offered from Operation Get Fit. Keep reading to see how your organization may benefit from Houston fitness classes and Houston personal training sessions that carve out time for you and your team to become the best versions of yourselves.
Houston Corporate Wellness Programs for Body AND Mind
We all know regular exercise can help us achieve and maintain a healthy weight and support overall physical health, but Houston fitness classes also do wonders for our mental health as well. Regular exercise with our Houston personal training coaches has been shown to reduce stress, increase productivity, and contribute to the types of lifestyle changes that lead to overall satisfaction. Here’s just a few of the ways Houston onsite fitness programs can positively impact employee mental health:
Exercise Boosts Mood
When you participate in exercise, such as the types of exercise our Houston personal training coaches offer as a part of our Houston onsite fitness programs, your body releases powerful endorphins that help improve your mood. The more often these endorphins are released, the more long-term the effects.
Increased Productivity
Houston corporate wellness programs (especially those that include mindful exercise programs such as yoga) have been proven to increase worker productivity thanks to the reduction in stress and increase in mental clarity exercise provides.
Overall Health and Wellness
A body that moves is a body in tune. Our Houston onsite fitness programs carve out time for your team to get moving with physical exercise that helps everyone involved become the best versions of themselves. Bodies in physical health are also more likely to be mentally healthy as well, resulting in less absenteeism and higher worker satisfaction.
Live Your Best Life with Our Houston Fitness Programs
Your team deserves to be rewarded for the hard work and dedication they bring to your organization each day. Help each member feel valued by investing in their overall wellbeing with our Houston onsite fitness program or our Houston virtual fitness program. Our skilled coaches can come to your office, church, or school for onsite Houston fitness classes or we can provide virtual classes for your team to access in a place that works best for your organization.
Find Your Be-Attitude with Our Houston Corporate Wellness Program
Operation Get Fit has been helping people achieve their fitness goals for over 15 years. If you and your team are ready to become the best version of yourself through Houston fitness classes, Houston personal training, and/or a Houston corporate wellness program, contact us to discuss your options. We look forward to helping you and your team find your be-attitude!